National Anthem
08:25 - 08:30
10:00 - 10:30
Root of all evil
The road to heck is paved with good intentions and no programming language, not even Python, can save you from the siren call of premature optimization. Join me in understanding and hopefully delivering yourself from great evil by analyzing my own descent to perdition.
10:30 - 11:10
The use of useless things
by Chad Estioco
Large organizations like Google and NASA use Python for serious stuff. This talk is about none of that.
This talk is about not taking programming too seriously and making things for no other reason than making things.
11:10 - 11:50
Community Panel
11:50 - 12:15
12:15 - 01:00
Developing a platform game in an hour using Python and Pygame
by Sony Valdez
Python can be used as a foundation for learning game development and game concepts. In this talk, we will prototype a platform game (similar to the Mario Bros. series) in under an hour. This will give the audience a basis for future game development.
01:00 - 02:10
Beginner and Intermediate
by Daryl Yu
Debugging often feels like a chore that only the uncool programmers do. It shouldn’t be that way. This talk will look at some techniques and tools to make debugging easier and maybe even enjoyable.
02:10 - 02:50
03:30 - 04:10
Developing Web Services Rapidly: Ferris Framework on Google App Engine
Allowing devices to speak to each other is the core of the Internet of Things, and the need to deploy web services rapidly has never been greater.
Ferris Framework on Google App Engine provides a lightning-fast way to write and deploy your own web services in a way that feels Pythonesque.
In this talk we’ll look at real world use cases and show snippets on how build your own ’twivial’ twitterbot using Ferris, GAE and Tweepy.
04:10 - 04:50
Jasper Project on the Raspberry Pi
by Elymar Apao
This is a demonstration of the use of a Raspberry Pi and the Jasper Project (an open sourced assistant software written in Python).
04:50 - 05:30
PyCon Meta
05:30 - 06:00
Keynote: Experience as a Django core contributor
by Loïc Bistuer
Experience as a Django core contributor and the problems and benefits of volunteering.
Expected length: 30 minutes
Data Center Automation using Python
by Dean Armada
Data Center Design, Trends, Business and Environmental Issues.
This talk introduces how to do automation using Python scripting can solves some of these Data Center challenges.
Expected length: 80 minutes
MySQL Fabric: Python and MySQL are meant to be
by Ronen Baram
MySQL Fabric is an extensible framework for managing farms of MySQL Servers.
Fabric is currently implement two features: High Availability (HA) and scaling out using data sharding.
These features can be used in isolation or in combination. MySQL Fabric also provides server provisioning using cloud frameworks such as OpenStack.
Expected length: 45 minutes
Beginner and Intermediate
Build great single page apps
Build great single page apps with Python+Django Rest Framework+AngularJS.
How building websites has evolved into building native web apps. The importance of decoupling frontend from backend development.
Expected length: 45 minutes
Python as a Backend
by Rex Mupas, Dhon Rocafort and John Paul Mendoza
Python as a Back-end. IntroMe’s Engineering team to talk about how they put together their mobile application backend using Python.
Expected length: 1 hour
Using Scrapy at work and sideprojects
by Juan Paolo Balbin and Conrad Miguel Gozalo
Scrapy is a web crawling and scraping framework written in Python. It is created by Scrapinghub and is used to scrape different kinds of websites for various clients.
This talk discusses how to use Scrapy and how we are using it.
Expected length: 30-45 minutes
Plone: What other CMS wants to be when they grow up
by Holden Hao
Plone is an enterprise class and open source CMS built with Python. It is a powerful, flexible, and secure system ready for deployment in small to large scale environments.
If you know Plone, you will have a hard time justifying the need to use other CMS solutions.
Expected length: 1 hour
zc.buildout save the world
Environment setup for big projects and their maintenance in a long term perspective is a pretty complicated task. This talk will show how much easier it can be with using zc.buildout to set up, develop and maintain projects.
In few words, zc.buildout is a Pythonic, easy to configure and assemble, highly reproducible way for managing project environments with keeping all versions under control.
Expected length: 1 hour
Learning by Experience, Deploying pyxbackup
by Jervin Real
If you’re using Percona Xtrabackup to backup your large MySQL insfrastructure, chances are you’ve gone through automating the process several times and iterated multiple strategies. Chances are as well, you would have code to do this in several places, even in different formats.
We’ve developed pyxbackup leveraging Python to handle the most common MySQL backup strategies from zero (no-Python experience) to production and we want to share our experience doing it.
Expected length: 45 minutes
Spatial data analysis with Python
Python is used heavily in the geospatial sector for geoprocessing, analyzing and visualizing spatial data. This talk will introduce various Python projects such as Fiona, GeoPandas, and Rasterio, and give attendees a starting place for independently exploring and learning geoprocessing skills using Python.
Expected length: 45 minutes
DDR (Docker-Django-React)
Docker and React are among the hottest projects now in the web dev scene. And Django has been one of the go-to web frameworks used by Python developers all over the world. Imagine them working together to form the deployment setup of your (or at the the very least MY) dreams.
Expected length: 45 minutes
Intermediate and Advanced
Django Workshop
by Jon Danao
Django is a batteries-included Python web framework for creating dynamic web applications and APIs. It is free and open source, has extensive documentation and a large community. In this workshop you will learn how to setup your project, interact with the database and render front-end HTMLs.
Expected length: 3 hours
Beginner and Intermediate
You may bring a laptop for the workshop.
July 4-5, 2015
Leong Hall Auditorium
Ateneo de Manila University, Quezon City
Enter search terms or a module, class or function name.